Saturday, July 13, 2013

Baby Cries For No Reason

Full tummy? Check. Clean diaper? Check. Fever-free? Check.
So why is your baby crying? Babies have their own good reasons. But even the wisest parents can't read their babies' mind – and babies don't have the words to tell us what's wrong. 
If you haven't already looked at 12 reasons babies cry and how to soothe them, you may want to start there. If you still need strategies, read on. Fortunately, you can offer comfort without knowing the cause of distress.
Here are some tried and true methods:
Something to suck on
Sucking can steady a baby's heart rate, relax his stomach, and calm flailing limbs. Offer a pacifier or a finger to clamp onto and let your baby go to town.
Snuggling and swaddling
Newborns like to feel as warm and secure as they did in the womb: Try swaddling your baby in a blanket, wearing your baby, or holding him against your shoulder to re-create that feeling. Some babies find swaddling or cuddling too constrictive and respond better to other forms of comfort such as rhythmic movement or sucking a pacifier.
Music & rhythm
Try playing music, singing a lullaby or your favorite song, and dancing around the room. Experiment with different kinds of music to see what your baby responds to.
White noise
The growl of a vacuum cleaner might not seem very soothing, but many babies are calmed by a steady flow of "white noise" that blocks out other noises – much like the constant whoosh of bodily sounds they heard in the womb.
Fresh air
Sometimes simply opening the front or back door and stepping outside with your baby stops the crying instantly. If it works, savor the moment: Look around, look up at the sky, talk to your baby about the world around your home – whether it's a quiet cul-de-sac or a busy city street.
Warm water
Like fresh air, warm water can soothe and put a stop to your baby's tears.
For a change from a bath, try holding your baby in your arms under a gently running shower. Don't push it if your baby doesn't like the noise or splashing water, but some babies really take to it. Just make sure your shower is slip-proof.
The movement involved in being carried in your arms or a carrier may be enough. Other ways to get your baby in motion: a rocking chair, swing, or bouncy seat; setting your baby in a car seat on the dryer while it's on (don't walk away, though – the dryer's vibrations can cause the seat to move and fall off!); a ride in the stroller or car. 
Give yourself a break
A crying baby who can't easily be soothed puts a lot of stress on parents. Thankfully, as your baby gets older, he'll be better able to soothe himself and much of the crying will stop.
In the meantime, don't feel guilty about taking care of yourself as well as your baby. It'll make you a more patient and loving parent. When you're reaching your limit, try these tips:
  • Put your baby down in a safe place and let him cry for a while.
  • Call a friend or relative and ask for advice
  • Let someone you trust take over for a while.
  • Put on quiet music to distract yourself.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Remind yourself that crying in itself won't hurt your baby – and he may just need the release.
  • Repeat to yourself, "My baby will outgrow this phase."
  • Whatever you do, don't express your frustration by shaking your baby.

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