Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What kind of water should I use to prepare baby formula?

The American Dental Association recommends not using water that contains high levels of fluoride when mixing powdered or concentrated baby formula. Too much fluoride puts your baby at risk for enamel fluorosis, a condition that develops while the teeth are forming in the gums. It's not a disease, but it can result in faint white lines or white spots or areas on the permanent teeth.If you're on a public water system, check with your local water utility. If your tap water is fluoridated or has substantial natural fluoride (0.7 mg/L or higher), consider using a low-fluoride alternative water source.
If you choose tap water, use the cold-water faucet and allow the water to run for a few minutes before you use it. This reduces the chance of lead and other mineral contamination.
If your baby's healthcare provider or local health department has advised you to boil the water you use for formula, be sure to bring the water to a rolling boil. Boil it for about one minute, and then allow the water to cool before using. Don't boil the water more than once or for too long, since that can increase the concentration of impurities.
If your water supply comes from a well, have the water tested to make sure it's safe before using it for your baby. Well water could contain a high level of nitrates, for example. Boiling well water doesn't assure that the water will be good for your baby — in fact, boiling the water would make the nitrates more concentrated.

Bottled water known to be low in fluoride is labeled as purified, deionized, demineralized, distilled, or prepared by reverse osmosis. Most grocery stores sell these types of low-fluoride water. You may even see water specifically labeled for formula use. (By law, bottled water must meet the FDA's Standard of Water Quality, which is at least as stringent as the EPA's standards for tap water.)Some home water treatment systems remove fluoride, too.

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